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Monday, September 9, 2013

What's In A Name?

One of the most sacred things you will ever teach your dog is his name. Think about it. Without a good, solid response to his name - how are you going to get his attention when you need it?
In order to keep it sacred it's very important not to over use it.
One of the first things I want to teach a new puppy is a good thing happens when you hear your name. I do this by pairing the name with treats and other good things. I don't use it if I ever need to reprimand or do something I think the puppy won't like. My goal is to teach the puppy his name is a predictor of wonderful things.
In my own home, I have many different names for each of my dogs. I save their "proper" names for recalls, good stuff and when I want their attention.
My default name for any dog is "puppy", client's dog or otherwise.
Imagine a typical day in your home. Now think how many times during the day do you say your dog's name to get him to stop doing something and then do nothing further?
This happens time and time again in many homes. It's a tough thing to change. The first step is being aware you are actually doing it! If there is more than one person in your home try an experiment. Have the person jot down every time you say your dog's name to stop a behaviour vs saying his name and following through with a reward to reinforce that response.
Your new puppy is digging in the flower bed, you say his name, he turns to look at you - you do nothing further as he's has moved away and stopped his digging.
What a lost opportunity! That beautiful response to his name netted him nothing. The same thing happens when he jumps on someone or grabs a sock or barks. You say his name - he stops - that's the end of it.
He is gradually learning there is no real need to pay attention when he hears "Fido" as there is no reinforcement for doing so. If any thing, he is learning not to respond to his name as it's usually associated with a harsh tone and punishment.
Be aware of how you use your dog's name. They learn very quickly to ignore it.
Take the time to teach him that good things happen when he hears "Fido". Have fun thinking of silly nicknames to be used any time you feel the need to reprimand or when you are not 100% sure he will respond to "Fido" the first time he hears it.
Janis Mikelberg, B.A. CPDT-KA http://www.sitstaylearn.ca
Humane and Compassionate Dog Training Methods. Visit my website at the above link for free training tips and information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janis_Mikelberg

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7982617